Come to our future climate change

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National Taiwan Museum
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The formation of life relies on suitable envaronmental conditions. A stable envaronment facilitates the continuations of life. Geological records indicate that the Earth has experienced five mass extinctions. in spite of these mass extinction events, there are still tens of millions of species living on Earth. How was the Earth able to maintain biodiversity after following the five extinction events? As life looked for escape route into new areas, it became used to it's new environment, eventually evolving into new species of flora and fauna. This is how biodiversity on Earth today was created.
Table of contents
遇見大未來一地球環境變遷 Come to Our Future: Climate Change 14 給活在現在的你- The Way We Are... 16 Home Sweet Home 活生生的地球The Living Earth 30 生物適應Biological Adaptation 32 生態系服務Ecosystem Services 42 失控的地球 47 Earth Out of Control 49 水患與旱災 Floods and Droughts 50 疾病Disease 50 飢餓Famine 53 地球的極限 Earth's Limits 59 崩潰的文明 The Collapse of Civilization 60 玉米金字塔 The Corn Pyramid 63 神秘的石像 Mysteriou Stues 68 變動的蓋婭 The Changing Gaia Change 70 給追求真相的你- 《地球篇》 In Pursuit of Facts: Earth 不安的曲線 An Alarming Curve 73 基林曲線TheKelinve 74 尋找暖化的線索 Searching for Climate Change Clues 76 冰層研究Ice Reserch 79 海洋沉積物研究Marine sediment research 82 湖泊沉積物研究Lacustrine sediment research 86 樹木年輪Tree Rings 88 酸化的海洋 Ocean Acdification 90 病情分析 Analysis of the Condition pa Up / 92給追求真相的你- 《生物篇》 In Pursuit of Facts: Biology 95 氣候變奏曲 Variations in Climate Change 118 生物圈的未來 The Future of the Biosphere 96 早臨的春天spring Forward 走進地球童話樂園 99 生物大逃亡 Biological Exodus 121 The Earth's Fairy Tale Theme Park 122 美人魚的故鄉The Little mermaid's Hometown 124 福爾摩沙的低碳島Formosa's Low Carbon Island 102 美食大風吹 龍貓的森林 Changes in Eating Habits 124 低窪國的翡翠城The low land emerald city 126 107 氣候金絲雀 Climate Canary 130 大家動起來 Action ! 132 112 倒數末日鐘 救地球的九大防線 Nine Boundaries for Our Planet Countdown to the Apocalypse 144 全球動起來Global Effort 145 全國動起來National Efford 153 企業動起來Corporate Effort 157 人人動起來-綠色行動新生活 The Effort of All: Green Movement for a New Life 117 給走向未來的你一 The Way We Will Be... 目錄
National Taiwan Museum